Do You Know Which Chinese Dish Matches Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

The Chinese Zodiac consists of a 12-year cycle, each year of which is named after a different animal. Many Chinese believe that the year of a person's birth is related to this person’s personality traits, physical and mental attributes and degree of success and happiness throughout this person’s lifetime. It is calculated according to Chinese lunar calendar. Check your Chinese Zodiac sign here.

Year of Rat 
Spicy and sour shredded potatoes

Year of Ox
            Beijing Duck            

Year of Tiger
Mapo Toufu

Year of Rabbit
Beef stew with carrots 

Year of Dragon
Glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves

Year of Snake
Sichuan Hot Pot

Year of Horse
Stir fry bok choy

Year of Sheep
Steamed egg custard

Year of Monkey
Mango pudding 

Year of Rooster
Twice cooked pork

Year of Dog
Chili-fried chicken cubes

Year of Pig
Crispy green onion pancake

All food photos are from Google Image.


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