My Jalapeño Adventure

Two years ago, I said goodbye to my old friends and packed as much stuff as I could, moving to America from China. I even brought a rick cooker stuffed with six pairs of cotton socks for anti-friction protection. Unfortunately, it took one and a half hours to cook because I forgot the different voltage in the United States. Then, I knew we could buy it from local Asian markets and Amazon. This was just a beginning of my funny dinning adventure.

As a food lover, I loving exploring different restaurants. But, non-visualized menus crammed with unfamiliar food vocabularies blocked my enthusiasm after several awkward ordering experiences at restaurants. So, I took the advice from my friends.

One day, we went to a restaurant to celebrate my husband’s birthday. I was looking at the menu to pretend I was hesitating to decide. A couple of minutes later, I said, “Wow, they all look great. It’s hard for me to decide. So, can I try the same dish that table has. It looks tasty,” while I was pointing at the table next to us because I thought it was bacon wrapped “something.” The whole process of ordering went smoothly well as I expected. However, those “bacons” were not delightful as I expected. When the waiter came back to check us, I squeezed out a smile and said, “This is so good. I love it.” The truth was the “something” that I didn't know was spicy jalapeños. My tongue was on fire and my tears almost came out while I was pretending the dish was enjoyable.  I tossed away the to-go box filled with leftover jalapeños immediately after I got home.

What I learned from this funny experience? Never ever order the food if you are not quite sure what it is. Google it before ordering!


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