Chinese Food Quiz 1

1.Chinese people eat rice with every single meal.
Yes / No 

2. Pasta was originally from China.
Yes / No 

3. There are six traditional Chinese regional cuisines in China.
Yes / No 

4. Stir frying is the only technique to cook Chinese food.
Yes / No 

5. Soup dumpling was originally from Shanghai.
Yes / No 

6. Chinese food that it is one of the healthiest foods in the world.
Yes / No 

Check out your answers: 
1. Depends on where are you from.

2. Pasta was brought to Italy from China by Marco Polo during the 13th century.

3. There are eight traditional Chinese regional cuisines. 
[Anhui, Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan, and Zhejiang cuisines.]

4. There are hundreds of cooking methods in China.The most frequently used method is stir-frying.

5. Soup dumpling,AKA Xiaolongbao,is a type of steamed bun from the Jiangnan region of China, especially associated with Shanghai and Wuxi. 

6. Traditional Chinese cuisine is all about balance and healthy eating.Yup,it is actually one of the healthiest in the world.

All photos are from Google Image.


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