I joined a Professionals meet-up with my friend last year. Over sixty people showed up.The event was well-organized.It offered drinks and delicate snacks. However, my happy hour ended in thirty minutes.I scraped my crushed confidence and quickly fled. It was my first time to attend an English-speaking local event.I felt insecure and uncomfortable, even though I was not a shy person.The relaxing music, soft lights, and friendly staff soothed my anxiety.But,I was still afraid of talking with native English speakers.I would wait for someone to talk to me rather than initiate a conversation. Five minutes later,a gracious girl,standing next to me, turned around with her flushed smile."It is a nice meet-up. Is it your first time?" We started chatting. Everything went smoothly. When I learned that her parents immigrated from China, I felt the intense atmosphere was relieved in this intimidating English-speaking environment.I asked her if she was bilingual because of her Chinese ...