Is It a Good Job?

“I ultimately found a good job.” I got my friend’s vicariously exhilarated message last Friday.  “How good is it?” I asked her. “I love this job…. The office is just two-bus-stop away from my home, and I don't need to clock in and clock out. So I can spare more time to take care of my family.” I didn't ask her about the salary because I knew, this time, money was not on the top of her agenda. A good job for my friend is not relevant to a high salary or any additional employees ‘perks. However, her experience does not a universal principle that applies to everybody.

What is a good job? I know you may say a good job is the one that you really enjoy and pays a lot of money as well. That’s the best scenario  if you are lucky enough. But, the reality is that you always have to confront to a dilemma. Which one do you prefer? The one offers a less money but you are really passionate about or the one pays a lot but you don't like. 

Let’s image that you work at a job that pays poorly but you enjoy. You strong passion on your beloved job, the most magical ingredient, produces your inspired energy and compels your long-lasting enthusiasm. You have never felt jaded. Your hard-working pattern drives you to continuously develop your skills and accumulate your experience in your career path. So, you might be promoted or nominated to be one of the star employees because of your excellent performance. You are happy even though your salary is lower than the average. But, on the other side, you have to find a new place to live because you cannot afford your rental apartment. You don't have enough money to buy a new camera even though you love photographing so much. You may find a part-time job to make more money. However, the coming problem is that you cannot completely concentrate on your job because of your burnt-out body. You start to doubt that whether I make the right decision. Which one is more significant for me, the passion I have or the money I can get?

Your second job pays you well but you hate. Your biggest issue, the financial-shortage, is totally fixed. You don’t need to worry about being kicked out from your apartment and you can buy the new released camera you dream about. You can flee from your previous lackluster life. But, you are overwhelmed at your hated job. You think money may intrigue you and change your negative attitude. You may feel excited in the first week. New colleagues, new working environment, new company culture refresh your brain. However, the job then quickly numbs all your energy and passion. You become a procrastinator and shirk responsibilities. Frustration soaks into your whole body. You may feel you are stuck in a dark room and there is no way out. But, when you think about the money you earn can help you pay off your student loan and pay your kid’s education, you may say it is worthy.

How do you choose a good job?  What is a good job for you? My personal story told me my passion on my previous job I loved illuminates my career goal, and the money I had from my former job is my strong financial back. Everybody does have his/her own situation to consider. All what I want to say is life is too short. Don't make yourself stress out. Be happy and be grateful!


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