Is It a Good Job?

“I ultimately found a good job.” I got my friend’s vicariously exhilarated message last Friday. “How good is it?” I asked her. “I love this job…. The office is just two-bus-stop away from my home, and I don't need to clock in and clock out. So I can spare more time to take care of my family.” I didn't ask her about the salary because I knew, this time, money was not on the top of her agenda. A good job for my friend is not relevant to a high salary or any additional employees ‘perks. However, her experience does not a universal principle that applies to everybody. What is a good job? I know you may say a good job is the one that you really enjoy and pays a lot of money as well. That’s the best scenario if you are lucky enough. But, the reality is that you always have to confront to a dilemma. Which one do you prefer? The one offers a less money but you are really passionate about or the one pays a lot but you don't like. Let’s image that you work at a job t...